icono oca

Organic plant-based energy drink Long lasting energy No crash, no jitters

We are made with the strength of the Amazon rainforest. We bring you an all-natural energy drink, powered by the power of tapioca.

Tapioca is a natural source of energy that keeps you moving at your own pace all day long.

Enjoy OCA for this good energy that only nature can give us.

Powered by Cassava Root

120mg of natural caffeine

(equivalent to 1.5 cups of coffee)

Long-lasting energy effect

find us in united estates

It is a partnership between Magnus Media —the company founded by Marc Anthony— and Beliv —a leader in the healthy beverage business— with the mission to develop, manufacture and distribute different beverage brands around the world.
Both companies work hand in hand to create unique beverages based on the bounty of  Latin America and inspired by the passion of Latinos.


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