Beliv unveils Mighty, a new gut-healthy soda!​

In a move that thrusts it into the burgeoning gut-healthy soda landscape and appeals to soda-loving audiences far and wide, Beliv has introduced consumers to Mighty – the only soda on the market that offers three biotics: pre-, pro-, and post-. Consumers nationwide can purchase the product via Shopify in, starting today.​

Mighty’s look embraces the tropes of traditional sodas to intentionally appeal to the new consumers who are bolstering the gut-healthy soda space: traditional soda drinkers. From boasting the perfect fizz and a conventional soda taste (with flavors like Cola, Strawberry Vanilla, Raspberry Rose, and Orange) to imagery and colors, to where the product appears and how it acts, Mighty is on a mission to bring traditional soda lovers into the future with a product that not only delivers on taste but also on gut health benefits that are becoming increasingly important to consumers. Aside from containing more than 10% of the daily fiber recommendation and only 4g of sugar, Mighty is gluten-free, caffeine-free, non-GMO, kosher, and vegan. Mighty means you can have more of the drink you love guilt-free.​

“Mighty’s launch marks a milestone in Beliv’s journey to redefine soda as we know it,” said Desiree Sanchis, Vice President of US Brand Marketing for Beliv. “We’re prepared to lead the charge on the ‘third generation of soda,’ where a healthier benefit-driven soda isn’t the outlier or challenger, but the norm.”​

The move is the latest in a series of bold back-to-back bets by Beliv, Latin America’s fastest-growing, better-for-you beverage company. The company added the U.S. as a focus market to the 30 countries and counting it operates across.​

#SodaWithBenefits #MightySoda